Showing posts with label non-traditional students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-traditional students. Show all posts

On-Campus Clubs and the Nontraditional Student

A thought for today: are you social? Joining a club could be fun!

(CC BY-SA 2.0) -
Friends - from The Next Web on Flickr

Many on-campus groups are allowing older students to join in on the fun today. There are so many to choose from too.

Just check out your school or college's website and look around at all the student groups and clubs available. Then apply or go to a meeting.

Are older students already in the group? You must want to call first or see the web page of each group you are interested in, then drop in for a meeting.

You never know. It might be a terrific bunch of people and a lot of fun too.

Related links:

Is your School Non-Trad Friendly?

Nontraditional Student Groups: Are you a Member?

Former nontraditional student, WKU
English, Teaching, Art Minor

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

 Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional students, you deserve a hug today!

Some days, everyone just needs a hug.

Graduation Hugs by Chad Miller from Orlando, FL

Nontraditional students, consider yourself hugged today.

Are you going back to school after a break? Did you just complete your studies? Whichever you are doing, you get a hug today.


Former nontraditional student, WKU

Some Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

Are you deciding by yourself what classes to take?

Or, in other words, are you going it alone with your class scheduling?

I did that for a couple of years when I was a "traditional" student. Then, I learned that I had to take two classes over that I thought I didn't have to take.

It was a big, and expensive surprise.

Then it turns out that if I had gone to talk to another advisor at the school, (after finding this out) I may have been able to NOT take these courses after all. So I was doubly wrong to try to figure things out myself.

My advice is to always check your schedule with a school advisor. AND, if you hear you have to re-take courses that you think you don't have to take, go to another totally different advisor to see what can be done.

You may also learn of pre-requisites or additional classes that you need too, or alternate choices you can make, and save yourself some time and money.

Good luck next semester, nontraditional students! I hope school is going well for you. And for those who are just thinking about going back to school, what is holding you back?

Leave a comment.

Former Nontraditional Student at WKU

Some Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog

 Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter 

What to bring in your backpack the first day of classes

We had this question lately at the Nontrad Yahoo Group.

Here it is: What should you bring the first day of classes?

Here are some ideas. These things can be put in a backpack.

#1. A notebook for each class (and maybe extra paper to lend out if needed)

#2. Cough drops

#3. Money (maybe for lunches - - or pack one)

#4. A watch (that could go on your wrist...)

#5. A map of the campus, room numbers, scheduler

#6. More than one pen and pencil just in case

#7. (Sometimes) a laptop

#8. Books or workbook(s) for class

#9. Water bottle

Another poster on the Nontrad Yahoo Group site also said another item would be handy. It is confidence. I loved that one!

Do you have any other ideas? I know there are more things that would be handy.

Former Nontraditional Student in Education, WKU

Some more Nontrad links: 

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

More Nontraditional Student Stories

I enjoy reading about other nontraditional students and hearing their stories.

Sometimes nontrads share their tips for success, other times they just talk about how going back to school after a break changed their lives.

Here are a couple places you can read about nontraditional students and hear about their experiences.

#1. See many stories via the  Nontraditional Students Articles Page at the Nontrad Student website.

#2. The Fastweb Success Stories from Nontraditional Stories page - Fastweb shares examples of challenges many different nontraditional students faced when going back to school. From family challenges to attitude changes that needed to happen, these stories might sound familiar to you.

#3. Nontraditional Students Return to Learn article review - - read about a fellow nontrad from Billings, Montana (featured on the Nontrad Blog)

Do you have an idea for an article, or would you like to guest post on this blog? Just email me with your ideas. Or leave a comment!

Former Nontraditional Student
English/Allied Arts Middle and HS Education

And here are some more Nontraditional Student links:
The Nontrad site
Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
and Nontrads on Twitter 

Recharging your batteries... do you have a break now?

I hope you can recharge your batteries this month, nontraditional students.  

And I do hope you have some break in-between this and next semester.
By FlaviaC (Own work) CC-BY-3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

What a pretty picture. Well, we can dream, right??

So... what are your plans? I hope they include relaxing and having fun. The link below (You Deserve an Award) has some ideas on how to pamper yourself during this time - - after finals, and before your next classes.

How has this semester gone? Good, I hope. If you want to share and talk about it, just leave a comment below.

Or just leave a comment anyhow.

I have enjoyed doing this blog this year, and hope to make it even better in 2014.

Have a GREAT holiday!

Here are the five most popular postings this week:

10 Tips for Doing Well on Final Exams

Finding Scholarships and Grants for School

Final Project Excitement - Get Excited!

Ten Advantages of Face to Face Classes


You Deserve an Award and Some Rewards

I hope you did great on your finals. The very best of luck to you, nontraditional students in Winter or Spring term next.

Have a great break!

Former Nontraditional Student

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

You Deserve an Award and Some Rewards, nontraditional students!

5 Ways to Treat Yourself


All of you nontraditional students have been working VERY hard this semester. So, it's time to treat yourselves.

Here are some things you can do to help you through the last of your exams, tests, and final projects. OR maybe you are done with all that. So... here are some ways to celebrate.

#1. Pamper yourself with a great bath with bath oil beads, (natural, of course!), some epsom salts, and great shampoo. Then,

#2. Have a cup of hot chocolate, regular or diet. (I find Stevia or Truvia help make my hot chocolate sweet without a bad aftertaste.) A little vanilla helps mine too.

#3. Read a book you don't have to read for class. Suggestion: a great mystery, a fun fantasy, or even a romance!

#4. Go shopping, whether at a retail store or a bargain thrift shop. And buy something for yourself. It doesn't have to cost a lot - unless you want it to.

#5. Go on a mini-vacation to someplace close or far. OR have a staycation at home, reading or watching fun movies or even snuggling with your honeypie.

And don't forget seeing a great movie, going on a scenic walk or drive, going out to eat at a favorite restaurant, or visiting friends.

Do you have another suggestion to other nontraditional students? How do you plan to celebrate when all your finals and work is done this semester? Curious nontrads want to know!

Former Nontraditional student at WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter 

And here are some other fun postings here at the Nontrad Blog:

You Can Do It! Hug a Nontraditional Student Today

10 Summer Ideas for the End of Spring Semester (looking forward!)

Shades of Christmas Past - Then and Now

The end of the semester is in sight, nontrads...

Are you excited?
New Phone Excitement - by ashn22 on Flickr.

The end is in sight for this semester, nontraditional students.

Here is a handy site and two links to help you coast towards the end of this semester's classes.

#1. I gave this site to my daughter this semester. I figured it would help her citing sources for papers. It is the Son of Citation Machine, a great site for plugging in your information and receiving help on those pesky source citations.


And here are two articles from this blog about doing well on tests and finals:

#2: 10 Tips for Doing Well on Final Exams

#3. Get Organized for Finals

I hope everyone is doing great and sees that proverbial Light at the End of the Tunnel and feels good about this semester.

Do you have some fun Winter Break plans? Or maybe you plan to go school again for Winter Term?

Whatever you have planned, do have a wonderful holiday and here is hoping school is going just fine.


Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Some interesting links - and have a GREAT Thanksgiving week coming up.

Thanks for stopping by!

I have a few interesting links for you today for those times this week besides planning a holiday menu, cooking, working, or doing a shopping list for the holidays.

One interesting link is from my Find Scholarships and Grants blog. It is for readers that live outside the US or are International Students who want to find ways to attend college here in the U.S. Here is that link:

Funding for International Students Coming to the U.S. to Study

And here are some other links to help nontraditional students. They are from the Nontraditional Students Facebook page.

MOOCS (Free online courses) to Be Evaluated for Possible College Credit (NY Times)

KB Connected (for Teacher Ed students) - 30+ Sites for Students Who Finish Early

6 Things Adults Should Know about Going Back to School (from the Edudemic site)

I hope things are going well for you on your educational journey.

Leave a comment!

Former Nontraditional Student (Education at WKU)

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Hello, nontraditional students - chocolate - diets - fashion - backpacks, more!

Hello, Nontrads!

Here is some news about the site, and some talk about the upcoming holidays, diets, etc. etc.

I have been very busy re-doing the Nontraditional Student website. I plan to completely overhaul the design and navigation there.

For now, you can still access the old site here: The Nontraditional Student site.

Your State Pages are here: The Nontrad site Map Page so you can still check to see which schools in your state have nontrad groups. Also, call - - there are NEW nontrad groups forming all the time.

If you have some suggestions for me, please leave a comment at the end of this posting. Thanks!

I am downtown today at the Pots Place Gallery here in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and there is a huge tub of chocolates here at the table with me.

 I hope to have just one or two pieces today... but it is a temptation. Are you tempted at Halloween too?

Low-carb diets will allow for chocolates, but not a huge amount like I used to eat. Darn.

Fashion: Are you buying something new for Fall or Winter this year? What are other students wearing? I am curious.

The Nontrad News

The new issue of the newsletter is out. Here is that link to it (it's on the top) and also to other recent newsletters. 

The Nontrad News Archive

So... how it school going? Leave a comment about that too. A curious mind wants to know!


PS Disregard the different fonts here. I am just beginning to learn to post using my iPad. Later, I hopefully can figure out how to post with PHOTOS too, write using another app besides Notepad, and more.

And as usual, here are some More Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter 


It's a busy time. Check out some study skills links.

Study... study... study!
Image Credit: © Hans Hillewaert / CC-BY-SA-3.0 Wikimedia Commons

It seems like there are SO many papers to write, things to do, notes to re-type, and projects to finish sometimes.

Especially at the middle or end of a semester back at school.

Here are some links to help nontraditional students, and everyone - for readers who have been here before, and my new readers.

The Study Skills page at the Nontrad website

10 Tips and Links to help you do GREAT on your Finals and Tests

10 Tips for Tests for the Nontraditional Student

5 Calendar Tips for Nontraditional Students

More about Study Groups

Image Credit CC 3.0 Unported, by Tsca, Wikimedia Commons.


More Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

Nontrads, getting ready for the holidays...

Before we know it, the holidays will be here.

...and I will be glad about it.

No matter what Fall and Winter holidays you celebrate, I like this time of year, Fall and Winter are definitely times of celebration for me.

Nontraditional students currently in school taking a full or part-time load may be thinking of travel or presents or visiting with family and friends.

I just love this time, starting with October - Diwali, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hannukah, and Yule.... full of cheerful light and decorations, and people trying hard to be nice to one another.

How are things going, nontraditional students and those who help them? How are classes? Are things going well? I hope so.

Share your stories, or leave a comment.


Current (pottery, writing and art) "independent" student, and
Former nontraditional college student going back for an Education degree.

Join me on some nontraditional student websites:

The Nontrad site and blog

Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

and Nontrads on Twitter 

The BIG list of Nontrad sites - Version C October 2012

My sites are marked with an asterix (*).

Here are some sites and blogs I like.

Blogs, Sites, and more - for nontraditional students. (Version C)

My Life as a Mature Age Student – this nontraditional student lives in Australia.
Rantings of a Middle-Aged College Student
Brandywine works full-time AND goes to school full-time. Wow. She was a history major and a Spanish minor. Now she is going to graduate school.
The Mature? Student
This student is writing about going back to school after 31 years. She tells about her writing, her classes, and lots more. She has some other nontraditional students in her classes, it sounds like. She lives in Ireland!
Academic, Hopeful
The thoughts and blog postings of a PhD Candidate. Here is a description of this blog from the site itself: "Observations, obsessions and obscenities from a PhD student at an elite University."
*The Nontraditional Student  website
Find help, support, and links for studying, groups, your FAFSA, and more.

*Nontrads on Facebook
Be our next member! Share about school, meet other nontrads, get support and information.

*Nontrads on Twitter:

This is a group of nontraditional students and people who help them. Find answers to questions, talk about what matters to you, share your nontrad journey.

Blogs and Sites of Nontrad Interest
Deb’s Continuing Education blog
There are many stories on this site, advice, links, and just lots of very useful stuff. Deb Peterson is in charge of this site.

Career Alley – this site has lots of job advice, sites, and articles.

Scholarships and Grants
*My Scholarships and Grants site
Another big list: my ScholarsGrants big list of scholarship links and sites

GED Stories
Although many of my readers are in college, some are also getting their GED. Here is a site I really like, and comment here a lot. It is called GED stories. Real people write what it is like to go back to school.

Nontraditional Student Groups
ANTSHE – this is a site for nontraditional students around the world. You can join as a student group or individually. They have a conference every year.
The Pinnacle and Spire Honor Society - this group is helpful for people who want to reward nontrads in college. Clubs and groups can join too.

Adult Student links

Old Pre-Meds for Nontraditional Students (OPM)

Mike Grasso's Nontraditional Medical Student site – this site is all about getting into medical school for older nontraditional students.
Study Helps and Finding that Perfect Professor

Son of Citation Machine


SparkNotes study guides

Have a favorite site or blog? Send it to me or leave a comment about it.
Nontraditionally Yours,

Nontraditional Student Groups

Nontraditional students - are you in a Nontrad group at school?
Education Meetup - this photo is by Faris Knight on

If yes, there are some links for you to bring up at your next meeting below.

If no, perhaps you would like to start one. Try finding a school mentor for your group, or go and talk to the student groups representative. You can also put an ad in the school paper about your proposed group, find others to join, or put a notice up on bulletin boards. Find out more about starting a nontraditional student group at this posting: Forming a Nontraditional Student Group.

Students who are lucky enough to already be in a group can have meetings with speakers, discussions, potlucks, or even babysitting available. There is a lot groups can do.

They can join a national group called ANTSHE, and can give awards through a nontraditional awards group called Pinnacle and Spire.

They can also add their group at the Add Link Page for a free listing on the Nontraditional Student website.

Leave a comment! I would love to hear from you.

Current (pottery) and past (Education) Nontraditional Student.

And here are some other links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo, and

Nontrads on Twitter

Greetings, Nontrads! Here is something about you, and how to find support.

Are you a nontraditional student?

Harvard Band Students - by Benfeing on the Wikimedia website.

And what does "nontraditional student" mean? Being a nontraditional student could mean you are going back to school after a break. It could also mean that you may have a family, are living off-campus, or just consider yourself non-traditional.

You could be going to trade school, college, community college, or going back to school to get your GED.

If you are NOT a nontraditional student, you may read this blog in order to help nontraditional students, or you might be curious about them.

If you are going to school nowadays, though, chances are you have met at least one, and probably more, nontrads.

There are as many types of nontrads as there ARE nontrads. But all students going back to school after a break do have a LOT in common, I feel.

#1. They have gumption. They are brave to go back to school, because it can be harder for them than for other students.

#2. They are going for their dreams, which could be to finish what they already started, to go into another field completely, OR to further their job potential.

#3. They need friend and family support.

How does a nontraditional student find support? Many schools provide support at the school or online, with groups or special advising.

Other students find family support or support from their friends easily. Others need to find this support elsewhere, and that is where the following sites can help.

For instance, The Nontrad site and blog (this one!) is a great place to start.

Just plug in your school or state on the website and see what support or groups are there.

Join Nontrads on Facebook and ask a question or just get to know other nontraditional students there.

Ditto for  Nontrads on Yahoo.

Nontrads on Twitter features great links and advice too.

I hope to see you at one of our other sites, or on the main Nontrad site.

Thanks for visiting my site today!

Current (art) and former (teaching) nontraditional student.
Bowling Green, Kentucky.

FYI: About us: This is the Nontraditional Student blog. We help nontraditional students by great articles, links to other websites, and communities for nontraditional students. We are all about going back to school after a break. We publish twice a week, and welcome guest posters too. Just email me at lizann447 at yahoo dot com if you would like to be featured as a Guest Poster. It looks great on a resume! :-)

Tips for Newbie Nontrads - add some yourself too!

Are you a Newbie Nontrad? Have you searched for advice out there and either found some or not? Here is some more to add to your list(s).

Some of this advice is for "traditional" students who attend face-to-face classes. Other advice is for either FTF students OR online students.

#1. Get a good, portable calendar. Use it - - you will be SO much more organized.

#2. Do NOT miss a class if you can help it. This goes also for online students.

#3. Get a thicker skin. You may be stared at sometimes. Don't worry, you will get used to it.

#4. Just chalk it up if you do things like walk into glass doors or fall up the stairs. It's OK to be a klutz sometimes.

#5. Remember that is IS OK to sit in the front or near the front. You can hear better there, and it's harder to be distracted.

#6. DON'T feel like you always have to be the one answering your teacher's questions. Trust me. You will be glad holding back once in awhile and letting other students have a chance.

#7. If you can, get a locker if you have "real" books and you have not just ordered online versions.

#8. DO ask your teacher a question if you have one. Preferable: after class. OR make an appointment.

#9. Spread out your assignments. Use your calendar for this.

#10. Relax and make some friends! You can also make a study group.

Any other good suggestions? Please leave them as a comment. Thanks!

Current and Former Nontraditional Student

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional student... can you think of a better term?

Bubbles art photo by Jurvetson on Flickr.

What's in the name "Nontraditional Student"?

Well, the older student going back to school after a break is definitely becoming MORE traditional as the years go by, because more older students are going back to school, for one thing.

Yet the term sticks.

We say a student is a nontraditional student if he or she is going to school part-time, is maybe above the age of 24, has taken a break since first going to college, is going to college for the first time after some years away, is working AND going to school, is married and/or has a family... and/or considers him or herself nontraditional.

I have heard that this term should change. But so far, I haven't heard a suitable term that takes it place. (Yet!)

Here are some suggestions:

#1. Nontrad (the same word, only shortened...)

#2. Owls (used already as a word for many Nontrad clubs)

#3. Cohorts (Just thought of this one...)

and #4. Seniors (a bad connotation is here, i'm afraid... many younger Nontrads do NOT identify with being that old, for one thing.)

Can you think of a better word or terms? I welcome the conversation!

Current and Former Nontraditional Student
Western Kentucky University and
The Pots Place Studio and Gallery 

Art from Jurvetson on Flickr.

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional Students - get ready for Fall Semester 2012 - some tips

Hi, Nontrads!
How are things going? I know some of you are signing up for classes and already going through orientation. Some schools now have their own orientation for Nontrads. I think that is great.

Here are some things I suggest you do before Fall Semester:

#1. Double-check on your school money. Is it expected now or later? If there is a problem, you need to know ASAP.

#2. Make sure your classes line up (with pre-requisites) and it will be possible to get to each one in a timely manner. (if you are attending face to face classes.)

#3. If you are attending an online class, make sure you can log in now (if possible). If you have a problem, you can contact your school's computer department now, instead of later, when many will be doing it, and you may be put on a backlog list.

If you are on a blackboard type system, make sure your email address works, and that you can open the Blackboard school system and see all your classes there.

#4. Make a supplies list and get things early. Check your "must-have" lists from your teachers. Make sure you include all textbooks and also a scheduling calendar.

#5. Print out all syllabi or course descriptions.

#6. Make a notebook for each class, so your notes or assignments don't get mixed up.

#7. Double-check your computer and/or find out where the computer lab is before classes start.

#8. Jot down the date for orientation and all class meeting times and locations.

#9. Tune up your car (if commuting).

#10. Attending classes on campus? Review requirements, and make purchases: get paper, pens, a comfortable backpack,  notecards, a highlighter pen or two, a lunchbox (if you want), a three-hole punch, a pen and pencil holder for your notebook, a good water container, and make a list of other things you may need and shop ahead.

Good luck getting organized for school, nontrads! List your recommendations below too, so I can add them.

Current and Former Nontraditional Student