Showing posts with label non-traditional students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-traditional students. Show all posts

Thanksgiving, other Holidays, Taking Time for Yourself...

Sometimes it is all about studying. Even where there are holidays, Fall Breaks, and weekends available.

Well, the word "available' is misleading. Yes, the time might be marked on a calendar. But if you are like I was, you will need that extra time to complete reports, paperwork, and more for classes.

It all depends, then. Some nontraditional student might do as other students do, and head somewhere for the holidays. Or just for a weekend.

But still, if you are a nontraditional student, and even have to work some during the holidays, here are some great tips to help you "study smarter" and maybe get some time off for a change.

Check out the great Study Guides and Strategies website, made by Joe Landsberger. You can check out tips here for lots of different subjects (like Teaching/curriculum, writing, Time/project management, etc.) plus many study guides that help you learn at any age.

You might be able to carve out a few days just for yourself using the tips there.

Then you can:

1. Pamper yourself
2. Get your notes in order
3. Relax with family or friends
4. Reconnect with your pet(s)
5. Make a gourmet meal
6. Wrap presents
7. Send holiday cards to reconnect with friends
 8. Go somewhere for the weekend or longer...

Have a wonderful Fall and holiday season, nontrads! And I hope you can make some time available to just relax too, even if it is just for an afternoon here or there.

Photo by Ernst Moeksis on Flickr.

And here are some more postings you might like too:

7 tips to take some time for yourself (relaxing on the weekend)

Fall Break Ideas - what are YOUR plans?

And here are some Nontrad links: 

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo, and

Nontrads on Twitter

Are you a Nontrad? There are others. And there IS support out there...

There are new nontraditional students who enter school every semester.

Are you a nontraditional students? As you may know, Nontrads may be older students, some have families, many work full or part-time, and some have been to college before.

Others have taken a short or long break, then have finally gone back to school.

It takes planning and support to go back to school. It's a big step. Some have dreams of a better life, and others have dreamed of learning about a new subject. Some take out loans and some have full or partial scholarships.

Know that there IS support out there. Some support may be at your school, in the form of nontrad clubs or study areas, special classes or times, and dedicated Advising areas.

If you are an online student, some of your fellow students may be nontraditional students too!

Go, nontrad students!

Here are some more Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

and Nontrads on Twitter

Via Yahoo: 3 Common Questions From Nontraditional Students Answered

This article is worth a look.

Here are the three questions it answers:

#1. Is the FAFSA a waste of my time?

#2. Can I get financial aid as a part-time student?

and #3. Does the school help with day care?

I liked reading about Day Care options at several schools.  I wish all schools and college would offer subsidized Child Care! It would make such a huge difference to nontraditional students. And I had forgotten about financial aid for part-time students. I was full time when I went back, like many nontraditional students.

I have to agree that filling out your FAFSA form is a great idea, and worth the time you take to fill it out and get your ID. They don't just have Federal aid, they have State aid, school aid, and scholarship information too.

ALWAYS important to remember is to go only to the OFFICIAL FAFSA site, which is here.

And here are some other related articles here you might like:

The Bionic FAFSA - 2012-13

Child Care and the Nontraditional Student

Thinking about Graduate School?

Have a great week, nontrads and freinds!

Some Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog / Join Nontrads on Facebook / Nontrads on Yahoo / Nontrads on Twitter

When my Newsletter signups reach 700, I will make a new issue. Thanks!

Nontraditional Students - start a blog. I would like to feature it here.

There have been some GREAT nontraditional student blogs online. 
They document the experiences of many different older students.

Are you a nontraditional student? You may consider doing this. Some nontrads have gone from an undergraduate blog to a graduate blog. Others have morphed their educational blog into a life and personal blog.

If you are writing about your nontraditional student experience, please list your blog below as a comment. Thanks! I will be happy to feature it here on the blog too. I use the Blogger platform for most of my blogs, it is free and easy. Also, Wordpress is another good platform you can use.

And check out the blogs to the right here. Some are blogs written by students like you.

I would like to know what's happening with YOUR experience. I will repost this on the Yahoo site and also on the Facebook page to see who is writing a blog right now.

Did you know that some colleges are inviting their students to blog on their OWN college site? It's true. And some have invited nontraditional students to do this too.

So... get creative! It's good writing practice too.

Former Nontraditional Student in Education (Teaching; English and Allied Arts, WKU.)

Here are some more recent postings here:

Do nontraditional students generally talk too much in class? The jury is out.

12 Tips for Nontraditional Students for Fall 2013

Back-to-School Popular Postings from the Nontrad Blog

Some more of my Nontrad links are: 

The Nontrad site and blog

You can join Nontrads on Facebook

plus Nontrads on Yahoo

and check out Nontrads on Twitter 

My next goal for the Nontrad News is 700. Sign up today. As soon as I get 700, I will mail out another issue. Thanks! 

Do nontraditional students generally talk too much in class? The jury is out.

Some younger students complain that nontraditional students talk too much in class.

I can understand why. I used to WANT to share my experiences. And sometimes it's just an overwhelming WANT - - to share.

I was largely over my shyness and didn't really care what other people in class thought of me anymore either.

So.... when I could, I would raise my hand in class. Then, I started noticing that I was talking TOO MUCH. I had to almost sit on my hand after that.

So you think you might be talking too much? It's not as hard of a problem maybe in online classes, or maybe it is. I like to think that nontraditional students usually SHOW UP more than other students, wherever they are. And they have a wealth of experience. Some people like that. Others also want to share, so I think I learned to appreciate that the more classes I took. I know I could see a change in myself in many ways between the first and second time I went to school.

So, what do you think? Is talking too much in class a problem for you? Or do you see it happening yourself? Do you think older students need to take a back seat sometimes and NOT share too much?

I do. I say, let the other students have a turn! But if they don't have anything to say, jump right in. You have a LOT of interesting things to share.


Other, recent postings:

12 Tips for Nontraditional Students (Fall 2013)

Back to School (Fall 2013) Popular Postings to help Nontraditional Students Out

Are you a Nontraditional Student? Support Sites for You.

President Obama's talk at the University of New York - plus free colleges - a link from the Find Scholarships and Grants blog - See more at:
President Obama's talk at the University of New York - plus free colleges - a link from the Find Scholarships and Grants blog - See more at:
President Obama's Talk at the University of New York - plus Free Colleges - a link from the Find Scholarships and Grants Blog

Here are some related links:

(This person thinks it's OK for nontrads to talk a lot in class!) No-apology Tips for Nontraditional Students

More blogs from nontraditional students

Study Groups for Nontraditional Students

My Nontrad links: 

The Nontrad site and blog

 Nontrads on Yahoo

Join Nontrads on Facebook

and Nontrads on Twitter

3. Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter - See more at:

Are you a Nontraditional Student? Here are some support sites for you.

It can be lonely being an older student at college or even while getting your GED.

You can be close in age to other students, OR you may be a lot older.

True, more and more studentgroups are accepting older students. So... you might even be going through rush right now.

If you are like me, you are keeping to yourself a lot, but still making some friends for Study Groups.

But it helps to know that there are  groups either at your school or online that can help you through it.

Here are just a few:
The Nontrad site and blog

Nontrads on Facebook and

Nontrads on Yahoo

Good luck this semester, nontraditional students! Use the search box to find out how to make a nontraditional student group, find out more about yourself, explore other nontrad blogs and sites, and lots more.


Former Nontraditional Student in Education

It takes courage to change your life and go back to school, nontraditional students.

Photo by S. Khan (geese) on Flickr. Taken near Borough market, Landon.

Nontraditional students, you are blazing the trail for others with your courage to go back to school after a break.

It takes courage to change your life, it takes courage to learn new things, and it take courage to keep your goals in mind, class by class, semester by semester.

Here is hoping that more students will go back to school and go for their dreams.

Former Nontraditional Student, WKU
and here is the latest posting from  the Find Scholarships and Grants blog I did today:
The Top Three Scholarship Postings  on the Find Scholarships and Grants Blog for August 2013

And here are some more of my Nontraditional Student links:

The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Getting ready for Fall Semester? Share some nontraditional student blogs.

It's that time again. Those who were off from school this summer are now thinking about Fall.
From Flickr - Black Mtn. College Fuller class

Many nontraditional students are waiting for their grant or loan funding to kick in, which happens right before school.

Then it's all about books and schedules, and those butterflies I used to get.

Are you making lists? Getting school supplies?

These nontraditional students (and one professor) are taking and giving classes... and writing about that AND their lives.

This one talks about listening to someone at a party who got his PhD.  It inspired him to keep going with his education.

This person wonders if women over 50 are invisible in this culture.
Makes you wonder. Truthfully, I think women over 50 ARE invisible in this culture... will this change in the near future? Who knows.

One talks about a Stats class.
As I've been told, a statistics class can inspire fear. It's a required class for at least one discipline. I haven't ever taken it, and don't plan to.

A history professor talks about his life and thoughts. 
This person seems to be happy with his job. This is more a personal blog than anything though.

I am looking for interesting fascinating blogs written by nontraditional students. I want to list them on the blog site. If you have one, or know of one, send me the link.

Former nontraditional student in Education

Other recent postings you may like:
Fall 2013 Must-haves for Nontrads

Are you ready for Fall semester?

And other ones!
Career and Aptitude Testing

Registration Time (some tips)

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

2013 Popular Postings from the Nontrad Blog - the Top Three

Popular Postings from 2013 at the Nontraditional Student Blog

Here you go with some postings that had that "special something" (hopefully good!) and that people liked.

They are in order of traffic.

#1.  Am I Too Old for Graduate School?

#2. Fall 2013 Back to School Must-have's for Nontraditional Students - What's Hot?

#3. Nontraditional Students: are you ready for Fall Semester?

So... how is Fall Semester shaping up? Are things going smoothly? Share your experiences as a comment.


Former Nontraditional Student in Education, WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter 

My most popular Scholarship Pages: Scholarships page One and Two on the Nontrad site.

Nontraditional Students - are you ready for Fall Semester?

This is a Heads Up Posting.

Fall Semester is coming up fast. Some nontraditional students are getting some money put back this summer, and others are attending summer school.

Nontrads who are still in school have probably already done their FAFSA some time back. Their money should arrive about a week before school starts. You may decide to go ahead and get some books early, via Amazon or another site, before that, if you want to.

Some classes already have what students need listed on their website or Blackboard ahead of time.

So... are you excited? I hope so, and hope you are very organized and ready for school. There is more to it than people think sometimes.

Here are just a few postings that will help you get ready for Fall Semester.

Must-have Supplies for the Adult College Student

The Bionic FAFSA - Better... stronger... faster!

Fall 2012 Tips

Former Nontraditional Student, WKU
Home of Big Red

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
 Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional students, what is your passion? Here are links for new careers.

Have you wanted to explore another career, but just don't have the time - - or are not sure where to start?

Many people decide to go back to school to take new training, or just find out more about a subject they have always wanted to know about.

You might not be sure what you want to do, but don't really like the job you have right now.

There are ways to find out what job or career is best for you.

Here are some postings that can help you:

What do you want to be when you grow up? This posting points to different career tests online, including the Quintessential Careers Network site and the Fun Education site.

This posting, Another fun article from Career Alley, is also good. It includes 10 Steps to a Successful Career Change.

And here is another one that you may like: Want a new career? Try doing something you love, full or part time.

Like this blog? Leave a comment!

The Nontraditional Student blog is a resource for older students, going back to school after a break. These students face job pressures, money challenges, and lots more on their path towards a brighter tomorrow. Go, Nontrads!

Here are some more Nontrad links:
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo, and
Nontrads on Twitter

The 3 Most Popular Postings for Friday, June 20, 2013 on the Nontraditional Student Blog

I enjoy looking at and seeing the most popular postings from time to time.

These change from week to week. I find out by checking the free site StatCounter.

You can add StatCounter to your site or blog and it will tell you many things about your sites - like how many people visit each day, week, and month, plus where your visitors come from.

Here are the top three postings for this week - with comments:

#1. Finding Scholarships and Grants for School - this covers the official FAFSA page, FastWeb and the Dr. Torres site. Many people know about the first two (or should). The Dr. Torres site is less well-known, and has a LOT of resources on it. Remember to scroll down past the ads when you are going to different pages here, so you stay on the site.

#2. 10 Tips for Doing Well on Final Exams - some examples here are marking up your notes (and hopefully you have some good notes to mark) and getting plenty of rest before your test. I used to stay up all night before an important test. But this is not always a good choice. You can add your personal tips here too.

#3. Must-Have Supplies for the Adult Student - some here I wish I'd had are a lunch (packed from home - - it would have saved me money) and a backpack with a spot for a water bottle. If I were to add more items, they would probably be a smartphone (I'm still working on getting that for myself), a new small-size digital tape player, and maybe my coursebooks on disk or on my laptop.

What things are must-haves for you?

A nontraditional student is a student going back to school after a break. Go, Nontrads!

Former Nontraditional Student, WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Popular Postings and other Blogs - a Recap for 2013

A big hello to all nontraditional students and those people who help them.
photo credit: Shimer College Computer Lab via Wikimedia

Here are some postings for nontraditional students and those who help them.

10 Tips for Doing Well on Final Exams (list your own tips there too)

 Finding Scholarships and Grants for School, and

Must-have Supplies for the Adult College Student.

Also, here are some other neat blog postings and sites you may enjoy.

From The Perpetual Student - It just wasn't what I envisioned -- the author writes about her Feminist Theory class - what she likes the most, and what she was surprised about. You will also love the goat pix.

Back on my Own - this writer is going through a separation. Share her insights. Will she phone her S.I. and wish him a Happy Birthday?

A Rainy Afternoon at the Museum - - Lori shares her trip to the museum to see African art and also some antique fashion. With pictures!

Check on the right side of this blog to read even more interesting blogs. And add yours as a comment, if you have one. I'd love to check it out.
The Kissing Student fountain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former Nontraditional Student, WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter 

My new blog: Girl Scout Betsy.

Thanks for visiting today!

You CAN do it. Is IS possible... you can go back to school if you want to.

I know I say it a lot. But it's true. You CAN do it.

You CAN go back to school. For some nontraditional students, it is harder, though. They know they CAN do it, but their family and job hold them back.

It is sometimes impossible to juggle everything at once. A nontrad might be a single parent - - or might be taking care of an elderly relative. Another may have a job that that they really need to keep. At least for now.

The next nontraditional student you see may have hidden problems. He or she is still trying to make life better for him or herself and for his or her family.

It takes some support sometimes to get through school, especially when there isn't a nontraditional student group on campus. A nontraditional student may not even get the chance to meet others, because all his or her classes are online.

Try going to a link below. You will find help there, nontraditional students. Know that you are NOT alone. There are many older students going back to school after a break right now.

Heads up! :-)

Former Nontraditional Student
in Education, WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo, and Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional Students and ANTSHE

Have you been to the ANTSHE pages?

ANTSHE stands for the Association for Non-traditional Students in Higher Education. It's a great group to join because they have an annual conference you can go to as an individual or with your campus group.

If you are not a member as part of your campus group, ask about it.

They have revamped their website again, and have a great Veteran's Links Page there now too.

This group is now sponsored by the Pinnacle Honor Society, which is an honor society just for nontraditional students.

You can check the ANTSHE Veteran's Page out here.

Here is their description (from the website) "ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner."

I hope you are doing great, nontraditional students, and everyone who helps them.

Taking summer classes? Registering for the Fall? Have a nontrad blog? Comment below.
Former Nontraditional Student in Education, WKU
Here is their link again: The ANTSHE pages

Some Nontrad links:  
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
Nontrads on Twitter

About the dreaded Incompletes. Have you ever had one?

It can happen.

You think you might have everything done. But things just got away from you. You haven't finished everything you need to do to finish your class.

Maybe you have been ill. Or maybe you are taking care of a sick relative. Or there could be another reason.

But things just aren't done. What to do? You can go and talk to your teacher or professor and request an I - for Incomplete.

Ask them about this if you have to. Of course, none of use want to think about getting an incomplete, because we all want to be finished - period.

And every school is different. does yours allow Incompletes? How long do you get to complete the work? Have you had an incomplete? How did it go?

Leave a comment and let me know.

It can make a big difference in your grade if your teacher or school lets you do this.

Are your projects done? Your grades already in? Here is hoping you don't have to do an Incomplete with lots of work. But there are worse things!

Good luck on the end of the year, everyone.

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo

Nontrads on Twitter

Nontraditional Students Rock! :-)

Here is a little post of encouragement. I think sometimes nontraditional students don't get enough of that.

I think Nontraditional Students rock. Why? Because many of them are working very hard to get through school.

Nontraditional students:

1. Come from many different backgrounds

2. Can have families and many responsibilities

3. Often work very hard and take school seriously.

4. Appreciate that things they want don't always come easily.

5. Must sometimes confront prejudice against older people, in school or in the workplace.

6. Often have full or part-time jobs along with their school responsibilities.

7. May not have the support they need.

8. Sometimes must "go it alone" in order to get the schooling they need, or feel ostracized in class.

9. May face an uphill battle to find childcare.

10. Rack up many bills and money to pay back in order to attend school.

Do you know a nontraditional student? Maybe that student is YOU. Give them (or yourself!) a pat on the back today.

Have a comment? Leave it below. Thanks!

E. Sheppard
Former Nontraditional Student, WKU
English and Allied Arts, Education

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

Is your school accredited? You can look it up, plus links to videos.

Checking out your college. Is it accredited? Be sure.
St. John's College - Cambridge. By lenscapbob on Flickr.

Are you online or going to face-to-face classes? Is it accredited? Will your credits transfer if you want to go to another school later?

It is not easy to know whether your school credits will transfer. Some students have been known to go to a school they thought was accredited, then switch schools and have to take their classes over. What a disappointment!

This actually happened to a friend of mine. Then he didn't finish school after all, probably because thinking about taking all of his classes over was daunting.

Sometimes for-profit schools (and others) may not tell you the truth about accreditation or whether your credits will transfer. You may have to check online or with your next school to find out. Do this early and save yourself some money, hassle, and disappointment.

Here are some articles and websites that can help you find out more.


ABC News 2010: For-Profit Colleges Under Investigation

(Nightline 2010) For-Profit Education Investigation. There is a video here for this one. A short ad is first.

The U.S. Department of Education Accreditation Search Page

I hope school is going well, nontraditional students!
And here are some Nontrad links:
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
Nontrads on Twitter

The Sandwich Generation, Part Two

I was thinking of nontraditional students today (again!)
Photo by Ed Yourdon on Flickr.

Sometimes nontraditional students must be responsible for so much - school, children, and even parents.

Is your parent ill, or needing your help? Do you have children too? An important thing to now is that you are not alone.

This posting is also about The Sandwich Generation - - that's sometimes Baby Boomers, who are just the age to be caregivers for parents, and also have children themselves.

This can make for a lot of stress.

Here is the original article (just click on the yellow link to go there).
The Sandwich Generation

There are some helpful links here, and some sites and advice that can help with the stress and difficulties of being part of this Sandwich Generation.

I know that part of dealing with stress is the attitude you have about it. A hopeless attitude can sometimes only make things worse. (Something you DON'T need at all.)

Being in a support group definitely can help with this, because there are ways of making what seems impossible easier to manage.

After all, there are only so many hours in a day. Nobody expects anyone to be super-human. But guilt and lack of energy, plus depression are real issues that can happen when someone has to deal with a lot of family issues.

I know I felt overwhelmed in the past sometimes when I was taking care of my mother. And when my daughter was  teenager. But I know many people deal with those same feelings every day. Somehow, it helped to know that I was not alone, and that there were places and people online and offline that could help.

I hope these tips from the article can help some nontraditional students today.

Do you also have some tips for people who have a lot to cope with at home or with their family? List your tips as a comment. I'd appreciate that, and so would other nontraditional students.

And my heart goes out to you older students, who often have tough issues to deal with.

Former Nontraditional Student at WKU
(Education, English and Allied Arts)

And here is my other (latest) article here:
College now and then: ten differences I noticed as a nontraditional student.
Here are my other Nontrad links: 
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo (a discussion group)
Nontrads on Twitter