How are things going? I know some of you are signing up for classes and already going through orientation. Some schools now have their own orientation for Nontrads. I think that is great.
Here are some things I suggest you do before Fall Semester:
#1. Double-check on your school money. Is it expected now or later? If there is a problem, you need to know ASAP.
#2. Make sure your classes line up (with pre-requisites) and it will be possible to get to each one in a timely manner. (if you are attending face to face classes.)
#3. If you are attending an online class, make sure you can log in now (if possible). If you have a problem, you can contact your school's computer department now, instead of later, when many will be doing it, and you may be put on a backlog list.
If you are on a blackboard type system, make sure your email address works, and that you can open the Blackboard school system and see all your classes there.
#4. Make a supplies list and get things early. Check your "must-have" lists from your teachers. Make sure you include all textbooks and also a scheduling calendar.
#5. Print out all syllabi or course descriptions.
#6. Make a notebook for each class, so your notes or assignments don't get mixed up.
#7. Double-check your computer and/or find out where the computer lab is before classes start.
#8. Jot down the date for orientation and all class meeting times and locations.
#9. Tune up your car (if commuting).
#10. Attending classes on campus? Review requirements, and make purchases: get paper, pens, a comfortable backpack, notecards, a highlighter pen or two, a lunchbox (if you want), a three-hole punch, a pen and pencil holder for your notebook, a good water container, and make a list of other things you may need and shop ahead.
Good luck getting organized for school, nontrads! List your recommendations below too, so I can add them.
Current and Former Nontraditional Student