Showing posts with label moving into a dorm room 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving into a dorm room 2014. Show all posts

The Beginning of Fall Semester, Air Conditioning, more. School today, now and then.

School is Starting! Here in Bowling Green, Kentucky...

There have been news stories about people moving into their dorms and going through what is called Master Plan at WKU lately.

(Just saw this! It's a M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan just for Commuters! Check it out, Nontrads.)

It was a blast from the past to remember just how HOT it used to be when moving into a dorm room. Students moving in to WKU were hot, hot, hot!

Back when I was first in school, (in the 1970's) some dorm rooms did NOT have air conditioning. But now all of them do. And it makes a huge difference.

There is still the moving in, the lugging of "things", and getting to know roommates, or NOT. (Today college students can choose single rooms.)

Yes, seeing the new Freshman students (and older students) move into dorm rooms on TV lately brings back memories.

Nontrads on Campus
Some nontraditional students, older than first-time students straight out of high school, are also moving back into dorms. Many are much in their late 20's, 30's, or older. Some are taking advantage of new apartments near campus just for students with children.

What a great improvement to have apartments for families and single families. We had Married Student Housing back in the day, and I'm sure some students get apartments like this still.

But sometimes dorms are the cheapest option for single students.

Are there some nontrads moving in to a new place this week? Or perhaps you are commuting.

Whatever your situation, I wish you the very best in luck this semester!

And here are some other postings you may like:

Your college backpack: what is in it?

What to bring your first day of class

My favorite study skills site

Get to know your professors (or any kind of teacher)

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