A preview of the Nontraditional Student News, plus some good links

The last Nontrad News issue is coming up this Spring. All I have to do is make it. :-)

I was waiting for an even 700 readers, but 689 is still OK, so I'll go ahead and update for 2014.

I would like to feature the results of the poll about what products nontraditional students would like to see, some of the latest postings from the blog, and more.

If you are not on the Facebook page, you can join here. We feature articles of interest to all nontraditional students.

AND the yearly ANTSHE conference is coming up too, March 14-16, 2014. I know lots of groups from colleges attend this.

So... what has everyone been up to? I hope things are going well for everyone.

Here are some recent blog postings and Twitter postings for your enjoyment:

Nontraditional Students: fight burnout, and find your motivation


The top 5 Postings of 2013.

Some of the latest postings on Twitter:

Support for nontraditional students and free links too.

Take 30 seconds to protect one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth. via

I entered 's QUEEN MARY 2 10th Anniversary Sweeps for a chance to win a 7-day Transatlantic Crossing!

10 Colleges with the Most Older Students


Learn from other's regrets - and improve your life.

Have a great week. Leave a comment!


PS The Owl art at the top of this blog is from the great copyright free art site http://www.clker.com/. I would recommend it highly for any art you need for reports, teacher ed, etc.

I chose the Owl because a lot of nontraditional student groups use this symbol for themselves. It can also mean Older Wiser Learners. :-)

And here are some more Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter 

The Nontrad News for April 2013