Showing posts with label help for nontraditional students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help for nontraditional students. Show all posts

Inspiration for Nontraditional Students

Here are a couple of inspirational quotes and pictures...

They are for all nontraditional students and also for people who are working towards improving their lives and the lives of their families.

Photo by Wickerfurniture on Flickr.

This quote is so true for nontraditional students. They are looking at the Big Picture, and going to school sometimes for a long time in order to get that Certification or Diploma. Looking towards the future makes today easier sometimes.

Every baby step of taking classes is a step in the right direction for a better future.

Photo by SweetOnVeg on Flickr.

Nontraditional students believe that they CAN do it, no matter how long it takes or how hard the journey is. If a nontraditional student can believe in his or herself, it doesn't matter so much what the world thinks.

Because the journey is all about the student.

I send good thoughts to all nontraditional students and everyone helping them today.


And here are a couple of links to help inspire nontraditional students:

Articles about nontraditional students

The Nontraditional Student website Inspiration and Motivation Page 

And here are some more Nontrad links:

The Nontrad site and blog 

Join Nontrads on Facebook

Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter

School Support for Nontraditional Students - is it enough?

Personally I think some schools DO have the right idea, or are on the right track.
Amsterdam Train Station

Some schools do help nontraditional students with advising, special club rooms, remedial classes, and teacher understanding when emergency family issues come up.

But some schools do not cater to nontraditional students, which I think is a mistake. More and more students are going back to school after a break, and they are all ages. Some of these nontraditional students want to only take online classes, but others enjoy being in a classroom environment.

We nontraditional students want choices, and also to be recognized for the positive influence they have in classes, that special point of view that comes with experience.

I love seeing nontraditional student groups on Facebook, for instance. How cool is that? Students can have fun while going back to school, just like other students.

What has been your experience, fellow nontraditional students? Do you feel that your school is or was supportive? Are you a staff member in charge of helping nontraditional students?

Here is the link to the Nontraditional Student section at the University of Oshkosh site. I think it looks great. I especially love the paragraph about Academic Amnesty. What is that? Erasing some grades, I think. Check it out here: Support for Nontradiitonal Students - Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement.

Leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you.

Current and Former Nontrad

Nontraditional students, are you in a good place emotionally?

Do you feel good right now, nontraditional students? Because it can make a HUGE difference.

Students of all ages CAN find help.
If you have problems at home, anxiety, depression, or other problems, they can make a big difference in whether or not you can handle school assignments and going back to school.

And yes, most of my readers already know this. But sometimes it can be hard to realize when you have a problem. And even harder to do anything about it.

Many people may feel that if anyone finds out about a problem they have, they will be embarrassed and feel even worse.

Are you already in school? Many students don't take advantage of the wonderful medical care that they may have on campus. This care is personal and private, between the student and the doctor or practitioner. Check to see if you have a medical clinic where you attend. Often, the school clinic offer discounts for students too.

There is also help for many students and others at many local (community) health care clinics too. They may operate on a sliding fee scale, which means that the fees are lower for people who do not make much money.

So... don't give up if you have some personal problems, class or study problems, depression, sleep problems, or don't feel good about yourself for any reason. Make that call to a help line or to the school or community clinic. It can mean the difference between succeeding and not succeeding at school, and can help so much with daily life too.

Here are some online resources that may help you or another student you know.

Tell a friend about this article. It may make a lot of difference. You may even save their life.

Here are some links that may be helpful to you or your friend:
Yahoo Groups:
Bully Online - help with bullying
Avoidant - help with fear and anxiety, more
Codependant Group
The Depression and Anxiety Group
The Personality Disorders group

Other helpful links:
The Flylady group at Big Tent (for clutterbugs)
Support Groups at MDJunction 
Find a local AA meeting
More groups at the Daily Strength Site

Please add your favorite help site as a comment. Thank you!

Join me on some other nontraditional student sites:
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo
Nontrads on Twitter 

The photo at the top of this blog posting is from the great resource, the Microsoft Office Clip Art pages.