You CAN do it. Is IS possible... you can go back to school if you want to.

I know I say it a lot. But it's true. You CAN do it.

You CAN go back to school. For some nontraditional students, it is harder, though. They know they CAN do it, but their family and job hold them back.

It is sometimes impossible to juggle everything at once. A nontrad might be a single parent - - or might be taking care of an elderly relative. Another may have a job that that they really need to keep. At least for now.

The next nontraditional student you see may have hidden problems. He or she is still trying to make life better for him or herself and for his or her family.

It takes some support sometimes to get through school, especially when there isn't a nontraditional student group on campus. A nontraditional student may not even get the chance to meet others, because all his or her classes are online.

Try going to a link below. You will find help there, nontraditional students. Know that you are NOT alone. There are many older students going back to school after a break right now.

Heads up! :-)

Former Nontraditional Student
in Education, WKU

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo, and Nontrads on Twitter

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