Good luck on finals, nontraditional students!

Finals - here is wishing good luck to everyone taking finals right now!

I want to wish everyone good luck on finals. WKU, where I was a nontraditional student, has finals this week. Some other schools do, too.

Break a pencil! In other words, the best of luck to you.

Share your Finals experiences here at the end of this blog, as a comment.

I would love to hear how it is going, or how Finals went, AND how school went this semester.

I look forward to your comments.

Former Nontraditional Student

And here are some of my other Nontrad links:
The Nontrad site and blog
Join Nontrads on Facebook
Nontrads on Yahoo, and Nontrads on Twitter 

And just what is a nontraditional student? A nontraditional student is a student going back to school after a break. Remember: you CAN do it! :-)


  1. I am on my leave of absence and looking at my date book and see that tomorrow would have been my last exam. Ho hum. Oh well....

  2. Your leave of absence may turn out to be a very smart decision. Keep us posted, Nicki.

  3. Finished my finals for nursing school last week. Whew! They were challenging, but rewarding as I realized how all of the different fragments of information finally came together. I feel blessed that I have met other non-trads in nursing school and enjoyed study groups and a social life for the first time since returning to college (my non-trad experience at Big State University was sub par). Now I am experiencing the "let down" I always have between semesters - I really enjoy school and the goals it provides for me and feel a bit lost without them. Just trying to focus on the holidays and making it fun for my family right now. Trying to read a few novels (instead of textbooks!), learning to cook a little (I'm terrible at it!), volunteering at my kid's school (because I couldn't all semester), and make exercise a habit during my month-long break.

  4. Wow. We do have a lot in common - sort of. Because my daughter is getting ready to take some nursing classes (maybe next Fall), and I would not call myself a gourmet cook at all. It is hard work all the way for me. I need to exercise more, that's for sure. And I love to read. It's good to meet you! Scroll up some, and you can meet Nicki. She has a blog too and is lots of fun.

  5. PS NurseyPants is a hilarious online name. I like it!


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