Shades of Christmas Past... then and now...

Remember when...

Christmas meant time with family that is now gone?
If you have young children, now is the time to relive that time through their eyes.

Nontraditional students may live in the same place they grew up - and still more have changed their location to a totally different climate.

How many people used to live in colder areas? I remember snowball fights and walking paths made next to the road on never-melting snow piles about this time of year. It used to be really fun to climb up and down and pretend to be an explorer in the wilderness.

How about ice skating next to a warming house? It sure was a good feeling to take those skates off after a long skating session. Or do you remember walking home after a swimming lesson with hair turned to icicles?

I am from Wisconsin, and these are some memories from my childhood.

A friend of mine grew up in Florida. For her,  the Christmas-time memories include the relaxing sound of ocean surf and decorated, lit up palm trees everywhere she looks. She is there on vacation, and loves the feeling of being there. It just feels like home, and that is a great feeling.

Please share your memories here. Are you in a new place this year? What makes it special for you?

For those students who are enrolled in college right now, I hope your exams went very well.

Whatever your holiday memories are, and where you are located, I hope you have a GREAT holiday season this year.

Some of my links!
The Nontrad site and blog
The Betsyanne page and blog
My Squidoo Pages and referral