Showing posts with label nontraditional student blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nontraditional student blog. Show all posts

Ten Inspiring Nontraditional Student blogs

I am inspired by other nontraditional student blogs.

Plus, I am curious to see what it is like for other people on this kind of an educational journey.

It is fun to see how each student reacts to being back in school. I love it when people share their daily lives and how going back to school is making a difference.

Here are some great new blog discoveries. I am including the first sentence or paragraph of each of these.

#1. A Nontraditional Medical Student's Experience - Hospital Experience - from Ross University School of Medicine and Life.
"After several days of restless sleep, dehydration, and both physical and emotional stress, I have stepped out with more knowledge than ever of the crazy world of the ER and the County Hospital." 

#2. One Nontraditional Student's Journey to Kansas (one blog entry... but a good one).

That was the college chant I’ve been accustomed to for most of my life and collegiate career. But, as I wrap up my first semester, Kansas has me bleeding blue, and believing in the essence of a bird that doesn’t even physically exist.
Having spent some time as a Jayhawk, I realized that college is a far more different place for non-traditional and transfer students than it is for recent high school graduates."

#3. Life in Vet School and Tips on Getting In. (At UC Davis).
"So you want to become a veterinarian. Now what? Some people say that veterinary school is the hardest type of professional school to get accepted to. I disagree. Getting accepted in to veterinary school is not that hard, but it does take strategy! This blog will: 1) Provide information to aspiring veterinary students that will help them become the most competitive candidate they can be. 2) Provide a glimpse into what veterinary school is like at UC Davis. Enjoy! -Sharon"

#4. Reflections of a Nontraditional Student and Marketer - this person talks about his experience being a nontraditional student in retrospect.
"Next month, I’ll be returning to my alma mater, Columbia University, to give a speech to this year’s Phi Beta Kappa inductees. Reflecting on what I ultimately took away from my time at school, I realized that those life lessons underpin my philosophy of marketing today."

#5. Always the Write Time - this blogger was a nontraditional student in the past. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Literature, Writing and Film. She then became an intern and writer.
"Keep updated on my new journey through my weekly posts, and remember: it’s always the write time to learn something new.  ~ cs"

#6. I'm not brave and this is not a battle - Amy Durfee West has cancer, and is also a nontraditional student. Learn more about her feelings about her illness at her latest posting.
"I get it. People don’t really know what to say about cancer, or what to do if someone they know has it. But on Christmas Day I asked those present never to say I lost my battle with cancer if I end up dying from it. 

#7. These look interesting. They are the Top 50 Blogs by Graduate Students as chosen by the BestOnlineMastersDegrees sites. Luckily, these bloggers are not just from online schools.
"From the introduction: "Graduate school can be an interesting adventure. However, it can also be quite challenging, fraught with difficulty. Every graduate degree has its own issues. It can help if you can connect to others who understand your situation.

#8. The Perpetual Student - this blog is written by a woman over 50 who is going back to school to get a college degree.
"Psychology is complete with an A!  And Freud lost to modern theory." 

#9. The 50 Best Blogs Written by PhD Students - this listing is from the PhD in site.
"You've finished high school. You sailed through college. What's your next step? Oftentimes, successful graduates from university will choose to further their love for academia with the pursuit of a Doctorate in Philosophy, also known as a PhD."

#10.  This is a 2007 article. I tried to find more about getting a GED, but many sites were just question-and-answer sites. Until I found this one. It is called Getting my GED While I'm Sleeping Outside. I wonder how many people do this?
"It is the first day of class, and I arrived at 5:45 p.m., a full forty-five minutes early. I thought I wouldn’t make it to school on the east side of San Jose, coming from downtown on the city bus. It’s actually good I have some extra time before class starts, since the trip over was tiring." 

Do you have a favorite nontraditional student blog?

Until later -
Remember: You CAN do it!
Former Nontraditional Student

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Nontraditional Student bloggers, comment about a nontrad blog today!

I love reading other nontraditional student blogs. 
Some of these blogs tell about the day to day discoveries they are making as a nontraditional student. Sometimes I get ideas from them on what to write about. Other times I read them to find out new stories, completely different from my story of when I was a nontraditional student in 2004-6. (I can't believe it was so long ago now!)

Here are just a few nontraditional student blogs you may enjoy reading. I have added their names, where I can. Some bloggers don't share their names, which I can understand. I hope to add to this list soon.

Older Non-Trad Student (Zickbee, An Arizona native. She has graduated, but has some good advice for other nontrads here, plus of course her earlier postings.
Back to School at 40 (or 41) (Jeffrey from Alabama) - this is a new one; I can't wait to read more here.
Diaries of a Neurotic Non-Trad (Nicki from New York, USA)
The Mature? Student (A mature 2nd year female student from Galway, Ireland)
Man Who Stares at Coats (2nd year medical student Patrick from Indiana)
My Life as a Mature Age Student (Caz from Australia)
College Mummy (by Cup O Tea from Glasgow, UK)
Rantings of a Middle-Aged College Student  (Connie from the Ozarks, USA)
Studying Parent (This student has just finished her dissertation. She had been going back to school for about 7 years before that.)

She recommends these additional sites on her blog, which I look forward to checking out.

Thank you so much for these suggestions,  Studying Parent!

More suggestions:

Undergrad RN (From a "20-something Canadian student"), and
Going the Distance... Three Credits at a Time (Colleen from Maine, USA) She's graduated, but you can see her earlier postings for more.

Do you have some nontraditional student favorites you would like to list? Or would you like to tell people more about your blog?

Leave a comment!

Here are some of my Nontrad links:
The Nontrad site and blog
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