Showing posts with label apply for FAFSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apply for FAFSA. Show all posts

5 Tips for Nontrads during the Covid-19 crisis, FAFSA link, and more.

A few (5) Tips for Nontraditional Students during the Covid-19 Crisis.

As we are in the midst of the Pandemic, it is more critical than ever to support all nontraditional students as they go back to school. Many are online (which I have tried personally...).

Please feel free to comment at the end of the blog. Are YOU going back to school? Are you going to try a face-to-face class? I wonder what they will look like. Of course, online classes are still available, thank goodness.

What changes has the Pandemic made in your school life? I hope you can continue. If you choose to take a break, it is VERY understandable.

What can you do to stay motivated, no matter what the Coronavirus situation has changed things for you?

I have some ideas that might help.

1. Research HOW you can keep attending school. It is possible you might be able to continue, online or otherwise. See the FAFSA Student Aid site, contact your school, and think about how to make it happen, even if it is only part-time for now. OR you can take a break, if possible.

2. Find ways to de-stress, and have time ALSO just for you. Some ideas here could include yoga, walking, meditation, and more. You may want to consider Tele-Health for your medical AND mental health needs.

3. Take care of your health in other ways. For instance, wear a mask in public, and consider having your groceries delivered. If you are working and cannot afford not to, make sure you are protected and safe at work. Do you need a job change? Carefully consider that, too.

4. Reach out to your friends and family members online and (safely) in person. Stay connected!

5. Make lists (something I find very helpful!). Prioritize things. Make choices. I know, this is easier said than done. I have found this helpful in the past.


People are online, helping each other stay in school, and applying for needed loans and grants. You can connect with them.

Don't forget to apply for your FAFSA, if you are just starting out.


And remember, this, too, shall pass. Did you know this was a Persian adage? I didn't until now. I like it.


A couple of other helpful articles:
10 Tips for Success as a Nontraditional Student
Making Time for your Favorite Things

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