Showing posts with label Nontraditional students and scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nontraditional students and scholarships. Show all posts

Scholarships and Grants for Nontraditional Students

Nontraditional Students, Scholarships and Grants

I think that the very best way to go back to school is NOT to have to pay for it. OR at least to put off the paying for it. I'm sure you agree.

That's where loans and grants come in.

I have to admit, I personally went the loans direction. But if I would have decided to go back to school sooner, I would have tried for at least a few scholarships to help out.

I have some scholarships listed here on other postings, but the best place to find them is on the pages Scholarships Page One and Scholarships Page Two on the Nontraditional Student website.

I am fixing the Nontrads Pages right now whenever I can. So you will find some pages looking spiffy, and others having sightly small type and links to things I used to think were cool. But both are interesting, I think.

Another good place to find scholarships is at the Find Scholarships and Grants site I started later on. It's another Blogger blog.

There are different due dates for scholarships, depending on the details of each. Migrate to each scholarship's main page, and you will find this information and more.

As to grants, each grant giver site is also unique.

It is imperative that each deadline be followed. That's why a good bookkeeping system is crucial. Stay organized! And apply for as many scholarships and grants as you can. That's my best advice. One of these days I may take it...

Good luck!

And here are a few more links you might like:
Get organized - and keep track of your scholarship and grant applications

The FinAid page "Financial Aid for Older and Nontraditional Students".
USA Today: Degrees of Difficulty: "Non-Traditional" students struggle with schools, loans.
Fastweb's tips for nontraditional students

And here are more of my Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter