Showing posts with label Khan Academy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khan Academy. Show all posts

About Khan Academy - and videos Bill Gates likes.

A new site you may already know about is Khan Academy.

I found and read about it in a great article today in Fortune Magazine. It was about Bill Gates' Favorite Teacher, Salman (or Sal) Khan. This site is on YouTube and has many different FREE lessons about many subjects.

It's a great site for nontraditional students to help understand classes or even take classes when they are not in school.

Check it out at the website here too:

And he plans even more sites, the author says. Here is a quote from the article:

"Khan intends nothing less than 'tens of thousands' of tutorials offering the 'first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything.'"

Wow! I like that idea. 

And here is a copy online of the article: Innovation in Education: Bill Gates' Favorite Teacher.

I have already been to the site, and next plan to check out a lesson. Write a comment if you try a lesson there. Or just say hi!

Former Nontraditional Student

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