Do you have courage and perseverance? Some links for nontraditional students

I think you may already know that becoming a nontraditional student takes courage and perseverance.

Courage? Because not everyone can make the commitment to try learning again.
Perseverance? Because you don't only have to START, you also have to FINISH, and this can be difficult.

It’s not enough just to THINK about becoming a nontraditional student some day. You need to have a goal, and then you can work towards it. You can take that first step of looking at the classes you need, for instance, and deciding what YOU want to do with your life.

Or maybe you have finished a large part of your nontraditional student journey, and just need a few more classes. 

The point is, are you motivated enough to start, motivated enough to finish and finally get that certification or degree? I hope so.

Do you need some additional encouragement and motivation? Try these links:

Nontrads, Don’t Give Up! From the Student Doctor Network (2004)

Nontraditional Students, Don’t Give Up! (Student, 2007)

The Successful Nontraditional Student (from this blog)

How Nontraditional Students can Overcome Fear and Improve their Self-Esteem (My Ezine Article)

Do you have a link to add to this posting? Just post it as a comment.

Are YOU thinking of taking some courses OR switching your career? Or are you just now thinking about it? Leave a comment and let me know.

 The great 4-student photo at the top of this posting is from the marvelous Microsoft Clip Art site.

 Here is hoping you have a great week (and stay cool!)

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog
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