What to wear... for men and women going back to school...

Fashion, clothing, and the Nontraditional student.
Okay. So maybe you won't be able to afford to buy a lot of new clothes this OR next semester. But that's OK! Just knowing what looks good together can help you either blend in or stand out, whatever your plan is as an older student.
No money? Just wear what you have. You may want to look around at other older students and see what they are wearing. It wouldn't hurt.
I found a couple of neat sites online to help aspiring student fashionistas and cool guys and ladies on campus.
Here they are:
#1. College Fashion - what to wear in Winter - cute outfits for cold weather. Some of there outfits work great for Fall too. It all depends on where you live, of course. I like this article, because the illustrations show you each component of an outfit, not just a new blouse or something. You can see some neat boots, coats, scarves, and bags too.
#2. The Burberry Brit for men - here are some pictures of fashionable coats for men. We are talking England here. But you know a lot of times Brits are pretty well dresses and know their fashion. Notice that the guys are mostly wearing jeans here. I am guessing these are clothes you can wear to class.
I picked these sites on purpose because they are illustrated. Want to see more sites with fashionable clothing on them?
You can check these links out too:
(from the site)
Some nontraditional students DO care about fashion!
Back to school as an older student - what should you wear? (2009)
And here are some more:
The Marquette Journal gives hints on what to wear for interviews
Fall Fashion Trends explained: Boho DeLuxe, Country Folk, Iron Maiden, and Modern Simplicity. By the ChicFashionista.com. (I am thinking: women here.)
Fashion Beans - Men's style ideas. There are some good up-to-date coats featured here on this page, plus links to clothing of all kinds (designer brands.) You can get a pretty good idea of what is selling for men here.
What to wear in college (from the Students over 30 site). They have some clothing to buy here too.
Whether you opt for a backpack or rolling backpack, or a messenger bag is totally up to you. I guess that would depend on how many books you need to tote!
From Ehow's college tips for older students: this article suggests that you wear what you normally do, and don't try to dress like a teenager. I like this advice too. I mean, look fashionable if you want, but don't try to copy everything the younger students wear. It probably wouldn't feel right to you anyhow.
Send me your ideas and stories too, to lizann447 at yahoo dot com. Thanks!
Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site and blog Join Nontrads on Facebook Nontrads on Yahoo Nontrads on Twitter 
The cool student picture at the top of this lens is from the Microsoft artwork site here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/

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