Hello, Nontrads! Thoughts about Fall Enrollment, the Pocket app, more.

Hello, nontraditional students! I hope you are having a fabulous summer.

Getting Connected...
Last posting, I talked about putting YOUR nontraditional student group on the Nontraditional Student website.  Many are listed there, but new groups are being formed all the time.

If you don't have one, you can start one.

Some More Ideas for Today

Fall Enrollment
Are you going back to school this Fall? Some tips:

#1. Get organized and have a folder for each class.
#2. Invest in a nice backpack. People don't carry books without one nowadays.
#3. Make sure to talk with an advisor and don't go it alone. You might miss something important!
#4. Invest also in a good Planner with a calendar in it. List all your classes there.
#5. Don't raise your hand too much.
#6. Get the name and phone number of at least 2 classmates, just in case.
#7. Consider making a Study Group for your hardest classes.
#8. Use THIS blog for help! Put a word or phrase into the Search box to search for things like Tests, advice, planning, etc. You'll be happily surprised at the help that is here and tips to help you succeed.

Use a Pocket to save information...
Are you like me, and enjoy articles about many different subjects? You can jot these down in a notebook, save them in your Bookmarks, and now also just click a button on your browser to check it out later. The app, called Pocket, has a free download here: http://www.getpocket.com.

Make a Nontrad Blog
It's free to make a Blogger blog (this one is one...) - - you can write about being a nontraditional student, about your garden, anything you want to write about. And it's good practice, plus gets your typing speed up. http://www.blogger.com. I know I love to hear about other nontraditional students and their experiences. Some I have listed on this blog too.

Write for this blog!
Do you have a funny story about being a nontrad? Have you found the perfect rolling backpack? Let me know and I will feature YOUR story right here.

As usual, thanks for stopping by. And remember, you CAN do it! :-) You CAN go back to school, no matter what your age is, or how many years you have been away from school.


Some more of my Nontrad links:  

The Nontraditional Student website 

Join Nontrads on Facebook 

Nontrads on Yahoo  


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