Nontraditional Students - they are VERY diverse, but they all have gumption.

Nontraditional Students come in many forms.
And most have a LOT of gumption.

Some have not been out of school for long. Others have been out of school for many years.

They come from all over, and are all shapes and sizes. Some have supportive families, others are going it alone.

One thing they have in common is GUMPTION.

Merriam-Webster online defines gumption as:

": courage and confidence
Full Definition of GUMPTION
chiefly dialect :  common sense, horse sense
:  enterprise, initiative <lacked the gumption to try>"
Are you going back to school? You have gumption.
If you are just THINKING about it, I hope you have the gumption to try.

Some Nontrad links: The Nontrad site

Nontrads on Facebook 

Nontrads on Yahoo 

Nontrads on Twitter 

Get connected, nontrads. Here are some of my other blogs and sites:  The Nontraditional Student website, The Nontraditional Student Facebook page, The Moon and the Willow Tree (a Betsyanne blog), The Find Scholarships and Grants blog, From the Garden Spot (another Betsyanne blog), and The Teacher Tree website  (I will hopefully be working more on this one later this year).