Knuckling down... a story from a friend

 I have a friend who posted about having a grade that she thought was too low, so she was going to knuckle down and start studying harder.
This meant cutting down on her social life, though. She told her friends about her decision, and plans to stick to it. That takes real courage! To me, it would sure be tempting to go ahead and rationalize about the effort she might need.

It would be easy to say, "Oh well... I can go out tonight and nothing will happen to my grade." Or "Well, it's not going to change anything to take a few days off and go somewhere with my friends..."

I have to admit... I have used these kinds of excuses to do things I want to do at the time. Of course, the real payment usually came later, when  I had to stay up late, or even miss class from sleeping in.

As a nontraditional student, I found it easier to stick with my assignments and studying. But a lot of people don't have the option of having a lot of study time to begin with.

So today I salute that student for doing what she had to do, and thinking about the rewards she would get later for studying harder and bringing up her grade.

Great job!

And kudos for all you nontraditional students out there who are trying their best, and giving up family time, friendship time, vacation time, and sleep time in order to do that.


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The possible study group drawing above is from one of my very favorite (and free!) clip art sites,