More about ANTSHE - you can join as a student in college or university, or outside of a college

What is ANTSHE?

It is the Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education. They have information, a scholarship, and a yearly Conference, too. If you are a student, you can join for only $20.00 per year. Academic professionals can join for $50.00 per year.

ANTSHE allows your school or organization to join as well.

You can find the ANTSHE Join us! link here:

If you are in a Nontraditional Student group and are in a College or University, check to see if your group can join. (From the site) "This includes three professional memberships, unlimited student memberships (students must be members of a recognized non-traditional student organization), full member benefits, and website acknowledgement."


Go to the ANTSHE site to check it out:

Some of my links!
The Nontrad site and blog
The Betsyanne page and blog
My Squidoo Pages and referral