There are no stupid questions.

Motivation for the shy - you CAN ask that question.

"I'm always available," one teacher said to our class. "My door is always open." 

But when I was younger, I was afraid to go to that door, step into it, and ask a question. I thought I was too stupid... that my question was one that everyone else knew. I just couldn't do it.

The second time around (back in school again) I felt a lot less shy about going to the teacher and asking a question if I didn't understand something - a due date, how to arrange a folder - anything I was curious about. It was easy... most teachers let you ask questions right after class, and often it didn't take long to feel good about knowing what to do on an assignment.

The first time I was in school I was just a teenager. That time was a lot different. I was so shy back then. I was cowed by the university teachers, and felt that if I didn't understand everything the very first time, that was my own tough luck. I felt lowly compared to the lofty teachers at college. I don't think I ever went to see a professor after class, or went to their office.

I felt like my questions would be stupid ones. Or maybe the teacher would say, "Weren't you listening in class? I already talked about that!" I would be humiliated.

Of course, all this was pure fantasy on my part. No doubt most of my teachers would have been very glad to help.

Here are a few things new nontraditional students can learn from my mistakes.

1. There are no stupid questions. Often, you are not the only one with the questions you have for a teacher. The other people just are too shy to ask.

2. You will feel a LOT better after clarifying things with your teachers. It's worth your peace of mind to ask that question you have. No more worrying about it! You can heave a sigh of relief afterwards.

3. Knowing the due date of an assignment, how the teacher wants it done, etc. will help you so much. It may give you a better grade too.

4. After you have tried asking a question the first time, it will be easier the next time. Just give yourself that first-time push, and force yourself to do it. You will be glad you did.

Does this help? I hope so. Remember, lots of people have the same fears that you do. Going through it and following up on your questions can do you a LOT of good and help you in so many ways.

All for now,

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