Some fun articles about Nontraditional Students and those who help them

People are offering services to nontraditional students across the country. The first links tell about these.

The third link is from one of my favorite nontraditional student blogs.

Leave a comment about them, or suggest others I can put on the blog.

The University of Colorado at Boulder has a special Nontraditional Student Center. They sponsor lunches, speakers, and socials. What a good idea!

Find out more here:
Nontrads (from Ralphie's Guide to Student Life) 

The University of Kansas found that they had 3908 identifiable nontraditional students on campus, and thought they probably had even more. They have a page for nontraditional students with answers to questions they might have. Here is that page: 
SILC - Nontraditional Student Services

Zickbee is figuring out her Fall schedule and going over what the exams will be like that are coming up soon. She has some advice here for other nontraditional students, such as "Prioritize - don't panic," (I like this one), and "ask questions," which is another good one. You can find out more on her blog, Older Nontrad Student which is here:

You can see other blogs written by and about nontraditional students on the right side of the blog.

All for now - I am still deciding whether to go back to school for the second time. I am leaning to no, but it sure is tempting.

Nontraditionally Yours,

Some of my links!
The Nontrad site and blog
The Betsyanne page and blog
My Squidoo Pages and referral