No Student Left Behind - information for Adult Students with Disabilities

No Child Left Behind and Special Education
Most everyone has heard of the No Child Left Behind Act. Students with disabilities were given a new spotlight and it started new discussions about special education, too.

People have different opinions about NCLB
Some teachers and educators didn’t like the No Child Left Behind Act. They said that the law itself was not the major problem, it was the lack of funding behind it. Others applauded the Act, saying that it brought new interest and focus along with new programs to students that needed it.

New thoughts about disabilities, no matter what a student’s age (No Adult left behind?)
Whatever the problems of NCLB, it did bring the whole spectrum of disabilities and what could be done to help to the forefront in people’s minds when they thought about education for all, and what was needed in order to properly teach all students.

What this means for nontraditional students
Adults who are going back to school today have options they didn’t have before. Many high schools, trade schools, and colleges today work with people who have disabilities to make sure that they get the very best education and help that they can give.

Students can request different options today than were available when they first went to school, and these options are usually free for the asking.

Depending on the disability, students can request (and receive) special testing rooms, tutoring, remedial classes, and much more when they go back to school.

How to request services at your school
A good first step may be to have all your medical papers available when you are filling out your official paperwork. If you have a certain diagnosis of special needs, be honest with the school and your school advisor and let them know what physical or mental conditions or learning disabilities you have.

They may be able to help you in many ways today, and make your success much easier, and quicker.

Many schools have special offices and will be very happy to let you know all the services they offer, including testing in many cases.

Getting the proper support can make a huge difference in your success when you go back to school. Also, it’s a win-win situation for many students with disabilities today, because many students who have a disability have great abilities in other areas.

Nontraditionally Yours,

Explore more about help for adult students with disabilities today:

No Child Left Behind – an article by the National Education Association:

College Students with disabilities – an article from

Friends of Quinn – a site for people with Learning Disabilities to find help and support

Find your or someone else’s condition at the Mayo Clinic website

The Center for Learning Differences - This site still has some good links, but some of their website logos do not show up. Also, some of their links don’t work. But the articles look useful.

Universal Design in Education (teaching nontraditional students who have disabilities)

Students with Disabilities, 1994 (from

Connecting Students with Hidden Disabilities to Resources from Southwestern Oregon Community College

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