Considering graduate school? Some sites to explore

Here are some good resources I have found for people considering graduate school.

#1: 5 questions to ask before you go (from the Quintcareers site)
This site also includes some great resource links.

#2. Considering graduate school? (from Eastern Illinois University)
This article actually goes into more detail about the nitty-gritty of graduate school, like what you will need to fill out in order to go.

#3. How to apply to Graduate School - from the Yale Undergraduate site

And here are some more links:
Tips for applying to graduate school in Biological Sciences

Penelope says graduate school is outdated

Related Nontrad posts from the Nontrad blog:
Thinking of graduate school?
Intro to law school by Michelle Fabio
Choosing the best MBA School by Karen Schweitzer

Do you have any sites or links to add? Just add them below. 

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Some of my links!
The Nontrad site and blog
The Betsyanne page and blog
My Squidoo Pages and referral