Win a trip for 2 to Las Vegas!

I've been meaning to post this great contest on here since, well, FOREVER.

It's the TRAVEL CHANNEL SWEEPSTAKES. I have entered it a LOT, but so far haven't won. But, you never know.

Maybe one of my readers will win it! This month's contest is a trip for 2 to Las Vegas.

All you have to do is enter, answer one little question (and they even TELL you the answer with a hint...) and that's it. You are entered.

So, good luck. Let me know if you win it. Click below to go to the site.

Enter the Sweepstakes at the Travel Channel! 
The photo of Las Vegas is from Dave O.
Check out his other free photos!

Some of my links!
The Nontraditional Student website
The Nontraditional Student blog
My Personal site - the Betsyanne page
The Betsyanne blog - The Moon and the Willow Tree
My Squidoo Pages (give me a rating if you have time!)
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