Help for Stressed out Nontrads

My husband is a follower of New Thought principles. He also likes the Daily Word website.

Years ago, he listened while I talked about how a new job wasn't working out like I hoped. "You can just stop thinking about that," he advised, "and think about something else." But how?

It took awhile before I could do this on a regular basis. But I still have occasional times when I can use some help doing that.

I used the internet to help me discover ways to take my mind off of things I was thinking too much about, and to help me put my mind on more useful things.

Nontraditional students can also use some websites to help when things aren't going as well as they hope - when a test or quiz proves difficult, when there is too much to do, and not enough time to do it in, or when things just seem overwhelming.

It is easy to get stressed out when you have a lot of responsibilities and nobody around seems to understand what you are going through.

There are some great groups online to join at Yahoo Groups. You can go to your group and talk about what is going on, no matter what it is. You can even join with another name (not your own) and keep your information private. Many people choose to do this.

Other positive websites can help you turn your thoughts around One is Positive Thinking Radio with Dr. Dave - just click on the button that is in front of each episode. Dr. Dave will come on automatically with how to do things like:

Turn Bad Things into Better Things
Strong-Arm your Mind
Affirmations for the Inner Skeptic

Silent Unity: Your 24-hour prayer resource
- is a website that is available for any kind of prayer. There is always somebody there at the phone you can talk to. It's a non-denominational site, too.

Find a Yahoo Group - go here and put a search term in the box to find a group that you like.

Here are a couple of Yahoo Groups to Help Nontrads in times of Stress
Affirmations to De-Stress
Depression/Anxiety Group

And if you are really feeling down, check out your school's counseling center right away. They are free for all students and can really help if you have a problem.